9 Belangrijkste ervaringen als zelfstandige professional (EN)

What You Need to Know
In the Netherlands, many people prefer traditional paid employment over self-employment because of the job security it offers. When you are employed, you work for a single company and receive a fixed salary. Self-employed professionals, on the other hand, are hired by companies and enterprises for specific tasks over a set period. Here are the main differences between these two options:
Incapacity for work: If a self-employed person becomes ill or is injured, they are responsible for the costs. However, they can take out disability insurance to protect themselves. In contrast, employed workers receive sick pay from their employer and are entitled to benefits if they are unable to work.
Retirement: Both self-employed professionals and salaried employees are entitled to an AOW benefit when they reach retirement age. However, salaried workers have a supplementary pension scheme that is automatically accrued by their employer, while self-employed professionals must arrange their own supplementary pension.
Vacation days: Salaried employees receive a fixed number of paid vacation days per year, while self-employed professionals must arrange their own financial support during periods of absence.
Freedom and responsibility: Self-employed entrepreneurs enjoy more freedom to choose their assignments and schedule, but they are also responsible for the risks associated with their work. Salaried employees must follow the terms of their employment contract, but their employer bears the risks.
Work-related costs: Self-employed professionals must arrange and pay for their own taxes, contributions, and other work-related expenses. Employed workers receive a net salary, and their employer covers these costs.
Unemployment: Self-employed professionals, interim workers, and freelancers are not entitled to unemployment benefits, but they can claim bridging benefits for up to twelve months. Employed workers are entitled to benefits if they become unemployed.
9 Belangrijkste ervaringen als zelfstandige professional (EN)
Discover what it is really like to be self-employed! Unlike traditional employees, independent professionals report higher levels of happiness, passion, and pride in their work. As a self-employed worker, you can expect to enjoy greater freedom, independence, and autonomy. Plus, many independent professionals have turned their dream job into a reality.
However, making the transition from employee to self-employed is not always easy. While you can learn to be self-employed, it takes time and effort to master the skills required. And while combining self-employment with paid work can help you ease into the world of entrepreneurship; it can be a challenge to balance the demands of both.
In this article, we will explore the top 9 experiences of independent professionals, including happiness, pride, freedom, and flexibility. We will also discuss the challenges of making the switch from employee to entrepreneur and how you can best prepare yourself for success. Whether you are considering self-employment or just want to learn more about what it is like to be an independent professional, this article has everything you need to know.
1.Why self-employed people are happier than salaried employees
Research shows that self-employed people rate their work situation higher than salaried employees, with an average score of 7.8 out of 10 compared to 7.4. Self-employed individuals also report lower stress levels, with only 19% experiencing stress compared to 38% of full-time employees.
2. How self-employment can be a dream job
Many self-employed people feel they are living their absolute dream, with 55% reporting high job satisfaction compared to 32% of full-time employees. This is due to the freedom and autonomy that self-employment provides, allowing individuals to pursue their passions and choose their own assignments.
3. Why self-employed people take pride in their work
Self-employed individuals often feel proud of their work and do not view their job as a necessary evil to maintain a livelihood. They also experience less dread about returning to work after a break. As a result, self-employed individuals remain proud of their independent existence despite the challenges of a lack of fixed income and waiting times between assignments.
4. The freedom and flexibility of self-employment
Self-employed individuals value the freedom and flexibility of being their own boss, with 97% stating they plan to remain self-employed in the future. This autonomy allows individuals to shape their work to fit their interests and skills and choose diverse tasks and assignments.
5. The independence of self-employment
Self-employed individuals enjoy the independence of being able to decide which assignments to take on and not being dependent on one client or type of work. This autonomy and independence are highly valued by self-employed workers.
6. The challenges of transitioning to self-employment
Transitioning from permanent employment to self-employment can be a difficult step due to the uncertainty of the new work environment. Self-employment requires agility and independence, and individuals must be prepared to bear the costs and burdens themselves. However, the experiences gained as a self-employed person can make individuals more agile and adaptable to new environments.
7. Learning to be self-employed
While self-employment requires certain skills and traits, many aspects can be learned through gaining expertise, building a network, and trial and error. Self-employment is not an all-or-nothing decision, and many people choose to become part-time entrepreneurs to maintain a safety net while developing their skills.
8. Combining self-employment and paid work
Combining self-employment with paid work is becoming increasingly popular as a way to realize the dream job while maintaining a safety net. These “combi-workers” are mainly active in the service sector and work more hours than full-time self-employed workers. They value the variety of work, gaining contacts, and personal development that come with this combination.
9. Self-employment is preferred over permanent employment
When individuals make the decision to become self-employed, they rarely consider returning to paid employment, even in the face of sudden changes. This sentiment holds true even for those who became self-employed unintentionally. Over time, the benefits of being self-employed become more apparent and the likelihood of returning to permanent employment decreases. While the option to return to traditional employment is always available for entrepreneurs, the desire to do so is often minimal.
As an independent professional, you may encounter numerous opportunities and challenges that require a unique set of skills and experiences. At Smelt, we understand the complexities of self-employment and are dedicated to helping our professionals navigate these challenges with ease. Our agency leverages our expertise and experience in managing independent professionals to provide our clients with top-notch talent to achieve their business objectives. Whether you are a seasoned independent professional or just starting, Smelt is here to support you in every step of your journey to success. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you find your next exciting assignment. Do not let the challenges of being an independent professional stop you from achieving your goals – let Smelt help you navigate the way.